Picture of Toy Painting: Train, 1983, stock version, by Andy Warhol
Picture of Toy Painting: Train, 1983, stock version, by Andy Warhol
Picture of Toy Painting: Train, 1983, blue, red , white, in frame, by Andy Warhol
Picture of Toy Painting: Train, 1983, by Andy Warhol; Andy and Edie Sedgwick Size Comparison.

Train Toy Painting

Catalog Title: Toy Painting: Train
Year: 1983
Size: 14" x 11"
Medium: Synthetic Polymer Paint and Silkscreen on Canvas
Edition: Unique

In 1983, Andy Warhol’s friend and colleague, Bruno Bischofberg, a gallerist in Zurich, asked Warhol to create a series of works for children. Warhol, who was fond of children, had been collecting vintage toys and children’s books, which inspired him to create the ‘Toy Paintings’. Through a combination of silkscreening and painting, Warhol created the colorful works that constituted the collection. He also designed a fish wallpaper himself, to serve as a backdrop for the lowly hung colorful works that children could easily see and resonate with.

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